Friday, March 21, 2008

Back from WPPI

Well I'm back home safely which is amazing after the heavy winds we landed in last night.  I have to hand it to the crew on the SouthWest Airlines flight for such amazing flying skills.  Nancy called to tell me that the weather service was predicting 45 mph wind gusts and they weren't kidding. To my surprise, my lovely bride met me at the airport at midnight even though I told her that Peter was going to drive me home so she wouldn't be out so late at night. It was a very nice surprise to see her there waiting for me at the terminal..

I didn't have anything planned for the five hours before my flight home so I met up with Regina, Elly and Regina's mom for lunch and then headed out to Red Rock National Park. What a slice of heaven on earth - gorgeous rock formation and mountain ranges.

Regina's boyfriend Nick apparently has always wanted photos of Regina on his bike but none of the photographers they knew were interested in shooting it. So they asked me and a figured what the heck! So off to Red Rock we went for a little shooting... I photographed Regina and Elly with the bike and then Regina and Nick with the bike - lots of fun! It was amazing to see the effect our shoot had on the traffic as it slowed to crawl with two models in wild outfits in the middle of this scenic route.

It was a little dicey doing a couple of the shots as Regina wanted to do an implied nude with Nick covering her "top" with his motorcycle gloves. The traffic really came to a halt then - nothing to see mind you, but a lot of slow traffic ;-) I had a great time with the gang there and the funniest part was having Regina's mom there taking pictures as well. I looked over when I heard the whir of a film camera to see Regina's mom taking a snapshot of her daughter doing an implied nude photo! Wow!

Anyway I hope that you've enjoyed the photos from my WPPI adventure - it's been a learning experience and I've made new friends along the way!

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