Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas time is near!

Don't they look cute??? Spend a week with them and you might think otherwise :-) Nancy was in New York City all last week for training and so the kids had to put up with me - we all survived and I'll leave it at that!

Unfortunately with the ice storm, Nancy was stranded due to the cancellation of all northbound Amtrak trains. She rented a car on Sarturday and drove home. Sunday was put up the tree and decorations day.

I took a couple quick shots of the kids as they were working on the tree and mom was outside strining the lights on the bushes...

The big ice storm...

Wow, what a way to wake up. My alarm went off at 5am which is an hour earlier than I planned! Why? Well that's because the ice storm knocked out power somewhere around 1:30am and my alarm clock is on battery back up. I let the kids sleep in (as did I) until around 8:30am and then I made them some eggs with ham (their favorite) since we have a gas range. Pays to have grown up in the country ;-)

So Friday was a total loss in productivity, but when Saturday came and the power had been restored, the scene was beautiful! Enjoy the images from around the house on Friday and the crystal trees from Saturday...