Friday, February 22, 2008

The Magic Kingdom...

Today we spent our entire day at the Magic Kingdom Park, but first I thought you might like to see some photos of the Pop Century Resort where we stayed.

This is looking at the actual hotel we stayed in while at Pop Century.  That is a 4 story tall juke box.  The pool was shaped like a bowling pin...

Asa standing in front of "Lady"...

Delaney walking past a VERY large yo-yo.

Yup, that's us in front of Cinderella's Castle.

Woody from Toy Story doing a musical number in Frontier Land.

Here is a shot of Cinderalla's Castle lit at night.

We stayed around, so I took some images from the firewooks at 10:00pm.

Here is the last shot of the evening - it's the horse  that Asa rode on...  I hope you enjoy the photos and commentary on the blog.  I would write more but it's always around midnight when we get back to the resort, and well after 1:00am when I'm entering the blog text

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