Monday, January 21, 2008

Lets start 2008 off right!

So my New Years resolution is to spend more time with my family, get healthier and do a better job on my blogging ;-) I can't believe that I did such a bad job of keeping up with my blogging, so to those who keep coming back - I am truly sorry.

There is no way that my pie in the sky start of blogging on a daily basis was feasible, but I will try to get something up here on a more regular basis.

Christmas time was a lot of fun with Delaney and Asa as they truly enjoyed the holiday and spent the week between Christmas and New Years home with me. I've enclosed the Christmas photo for those who aren't on our Christmas card list (yet).

January marks my annual trek to Round Rock Texas to renew my Dell DCSE certification, so my office mate Brian and I are enjoying 50 degree weather while our wives freeze in Albany at 20 degrees this week. This marks our 8th year returning to Dell headquarters!!!

I attended a Joe Buissink seminar a couple of years ago and met some fantastic photographers, one of which lives in Austin, Texas. Tricia has become a great "pen-pal" and a wonderful friend. Last year I had dinner with Tricia, her husband Dallas and adorable daughter Sage. This year Tricia told me she was expecting in April, so I just had to take some photos of her and the family while I was here. Here is a link to the fantastic Joe Buissink and below are some of the photos of Tricia...

I am truly blessed to have such a supportive wife and such great friends that allow me to do my photography. Best of luck to Tricia and Dallas as they embark on their second child and thank you so much for the priviledge of photographing your family...

Jeff Guntert

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