Monday, July 30, 2007

My first blog...

I can remember my dad's reaction to my request for a calculator back in 1980... His gut reaction was to discourage the use of technology until we were "ready". Well I've basically done the same thing with a blog.

Many of my photographer friends have them, the online community I belong to called DWF "Digital Wedding Forum" has always recommended a blog... I kept saying why? Do I need one? Does it make me a better photographer? Do I have the time to keep one alive??? Now with 2 kids (8 year old daughter and 3 year old son) THAT is the real question.

So here I am with my first entry - when I get the chance later tonight I'll add some visual content, so bear with me as I get started on my new adventure.

Welcome to my blog!


bill wang said...


welcome to the blogosphere buddy!


Rick Amon said...

Nice Job! What a long strange trip its been since we first began working on 8086 IBM PCs.

Jeff Guntert said...

OMG Rick no doubt! It's also amazing how quiet these new keyboards are :-0 Thanks for stopping by - make sure Pat can find it too.

I'll have pics of the kids and stuff soon!